Friday, October 26, 2012

To: My Buddy

Dear, Buddy.

I miss you again, just like it's yesterday.
My desire to see you just won't disappear.
You just keep appearing in my mind.
The more i comfort myself, the more i cry.
Even if i rub away those tears secretly.
The memories spreading to other memories.
Making me cry with pain.
I don't remember from when it was.
That i started to keep thinking about you.
The thoughts would appear about twice.
The keep expanding and i felt a bit surprised.
I kept thinking to myself that it was nothing.
But it was awkward when i talked to you.
Is it love?
If you're thinking the same thing, then
is it a start for us?
no no no
As i said before,
if we had met earlier, we would not be like this either.
That's why we became unfortunate.
Because we met too late.

Thanks for everything, my bubble buddy!

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